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ElectroRide has taken over sales and support of Crystalyte products to help past ElectricRider customers.
ElectroRide is an entirely different company and is not subject to any warranty support or legal issues from products purchased under ElectricRider.
ElectroRide is here to help with replacement parts at cost and ElectricRider sold their domain to help past customers with Crystalyte after going out of business. ElectroRide has their own
batteries and never sold or had anything to do with ElecticRider batteries. We do not provide support for batteries purchased under ElectricRider in past. We can help with replacement batteries (different brand) if needed.
Electroride has recently become a provider for Google X ( so we are expanding our tech team.
Glide ( is our new sales distribution partner for systems, Motors, controllers, DYi Kits, repairs and additional tech support. In addition, Glide owns which sells an extensive line of electric bikes and scooters.
Explore our current offerings for Crystalyte Motors, Grin Components and Glide Cycles Scooters and eBikes below.
LEVs were the first practical EVs the general population could afford when ElectroRide started in 2002 (and in 1998). Today, the majority of our trips are still less than 30 miles - easily within the range of most e-bikes considering the
latest advances in affordable next-gen lithium batteries. Clean, quiet, and efficient LEVs offer the advantages of an extra car without the burdens. Why not get a little fresh air and leave the car at home?
